
Our personality makes us select what we perceive. It construes a certain view of reality out of the elements which only represent a section of reality as a whole. When we do so we often lose contact with body and soul. What we then experience to be our „ego“ very often is merely a fraction of what we really are.

To be captured in a certain view of the world is the root of some of our problems because to confront a “problem” is a matter of attitude or of one’s point of view. It exists as long as we sustain it by persevering with our habitual demeanor and our small-minded points of view.

• dispose of subconscious thinking patterns and distorted perspectives which you used to nourish your problems with.
• abandon the habit of being in your own way
• grow out of your patterns of bonding and relating to others, which were formed in your childhood
• regain a view of the world which makes you find the required resources and solutions within yourself
• root or re-root your new view in body and mind
• build up an adequate degree of self-confidence
• fulfill your elemental needs in contact with others adequately

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In individual therapy I offer a safe and cordial space in which my competence and attention is solely at your disposal, so that you may concentrate and work on satisfactory solutions for your issues. This protected space facilitates the exploration of new options, the experimentation with new ways of thinking and encourages you to experience new sensations in your body.

I like to compare this kind of space with a greenhouse, where we first of all create conductive conditions. Once the solutions we worked out have become palpable for you, the greenhouse may be opened up and eventually be removed altogether – in the same way as the gardener does it, when the plantlets have invigorated to that extent that they will withstand the rigors of life.
Even though families form a bigger and more complex whole as compared to couples the challenges are quite similar. It is essential for families to create and sustain successful relationships and all members have to make a personal contribution and to unswervingly try to overcome their limitations.

Children need a lot of love, time and attention. Problems arise when parents feel overstrained to coordinate the manifold needs of parenthood, partnership, work, running a household and of having time for themselves as individuals.

From their very birth onwards children are independent and unique personalities. Difficulties arise when we want children to be different from what they are or when we are at a loss on how to understand and respect their uniqueness.
Family life is a constant mutual exchange, a complex process of giving and taking. Problems arise when a member gets the feeling that the balance between his/her contribution and remuneration is upset.

Many families develop rigid role models or show a propensity for polarization or the family members come to feel entangled. Situations may arise in which a member feels left out or becomes the family’s scapegoat or s/he may internalize tensions within the family to that extent that s/he suffers under this burden and/or develops symptoms.

I regard family therapy as a form of coaching, which is supposed to help all family members to
• see and understand each other more clearly
• reduce strain and hurt by treating the children adequately, bearing in mind and respecting their individuality.
• deal adequately with „difficult“ feelings and tensions which come up in every relationship
• prevent rigid role patterns and dissatisfactory habits which have developed in the course of time
• find and sustain a balance between being a partner and being a parent
• find rules and agreements which smooth everyday life.

In attending your family I guide and support you to relate to each other successfully. I like to combine methods of Systemic Psychotherapy, Imago Relationship Therapy, and sometimes IntegralHumanDesign family member analysis and the analysis of the family as a whole. When it seems helpful I incorporate elements of body therapy in the process, or family constellation work.
Constellating and re-constellating (modifying) your family is an appropriate means of gaining solution-centered information on complex systems within a short period of time. The group participants directly and intuitively perceive the interrelations as a whole and memorize them as an inner image (of solution). Thus the inner perception is re-shaped and the clearness that comes about as the “mist lifts” will eventually produce a good result.

The protagonist briefly clarifies his point and asks certain group members to represent important aspects of his/her „problem“ by positioning them in accordance with his initial inner picture. The representatives in this particular constellation articulate their inner sensations until they- by support of the group leader - find their ideal position within the system.

Depending on the request different alternatives of family constellation work will be applied. Either families, organizations, dilemmas, physical symptoms, structures, human designs and others will be constellated accordingly.
In the medical field people often are referred from one doctor or institution to the other until they finally arrive at an orderly treatment. In the field of psychotherapy as much as in academic medicine acquiring the right information is very difficult for the client since only very little interdisciplinary material is at hand.

Due to my knowledge and many years of experience in the network of social professions I will counsel you to sort out for yourself

• which methods of resolution there are for your specific issue
• which kind of therapeutic support is most promising for your issue and for your personality
• where you can get the best possible support
+ Couple Therapy

You will find more on psychotherapy in section B (FAQ) and on my personal approach to psychotherapy under Approach.

For questions concerning my psychotherapeutic offers please contact me personally at

Basic information re. work approach, time frame, fees, address, directions etc. you can find here


© 2014-2024 Werner Pitzal • A-1130 Wien, Seuttergasse 58/11 • +43 676 3138806 • email


© 2014-2024 Werner Pitzal • A-1130 Wien, Seuttergasse 58/11 • +43 676 3138806 • email


© 2014-2024 Werner Pitzal • A-1130 Wien, Seuttergasse 58/11 • +43 676 3138806 • email

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© 2014-2024 Werner Pitzal • A-1130 Wien, Seuttergasse 58/11 • +43 676 3138806 • email


© 2014-2024 Werner Pitzal • A-1130 Wien, Seuttergasse 58/11 • +43 676 3138806 • email


© 2014-2024 Werner Pitzal • A-1130 Wien, Seuttergasse 58/11 • +43 676 3138806 • email

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